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"Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers- strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength." 

- Barbara Katz Rothman 

Do you believe that birth is not a medical event but a rite of passage?


Are you looking for deeply connected support with a woman who will honor your instinctual wisdom?

Are you ready to birth in full authority?


If you live in Stanislaus or Merced county, I would love to walk with you on your mothering journey. Whether you are practicing conscious conception, are pregnant or have already given birth, I would love to support you!

I respect your intuition as the foundation of decision making and trust you to make choices which will bring the greatest benefit to you and your family. I provide mentorship, companioning and resources to help you thrive!

Listen to me share the story of my first freebirth after 4 cesareans on Indie Birth's Birth Warrior Podcast.

If you would like to discuss how I may support you in this amazing journey, book an information session.

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